
This Is What It’s All About

New Forest two person tent and bivi camp
New Forest tent and bivi camp

I love the freedom, the solitude, the great outdoors and countryside.

I’m part of an adventurous bunch trying to find better wild & stealth camping spots every day. This is just a place to share camping spots, awesome scenery and everything in between.

I am not encouraging break ins or the damaging of property, clambering over fences, scaling walls or digging tunnels to access areas.

The land I respectfully camp on is land that is easily accessible at all times and visitors are encouraged to visit but not to camp over night.

Wytch Farm Dorset solo bivi camp.
Wytch Farm Dorset

With this website, I am not doing anything that hasn’t been well-documented on YouTube numerous times before.

If anything, I am demonstrating respectable behaviour this for a past time I enjoy and one that makes me feel good.

Starting in Dorset and seeing where it leads

Be respectiveful and leave no trace

Dan at OurScapes